Little Dictionary of Psychological Terms

Abnormal: diverging widely from the normal; descriptive of behavior which deviatesmarkedly from what is considerednormative, healhty or psychologically desirable from an adjustmental point of view. The term often carries a strong connotation of undesirabilty or pathology, but it is also occasionally employed to characterized extreme superiority or supernormality.

Amnesia: loss of memory either partial or total, due to any cause.

Anorexia: a pathological loss of appetite. it is a common symptom of mental disorder.

Acrophobia: fear of heights.

Adrenalin: a proprietary name for epinephrine, a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla.

Autism: thinking which is governed by personal needs or by self.

Behavior: any response (s) made by an organism, specially parts of a total response pattern, an act or an activity , a movement or complex of movements.

Behavior therapy: a form of a psychotherapy which attempt to eliminate or modify problem behavior by the use of classical conditioning and instrumental learning method.

Brain - the mass of nervous tissue within the skull.

Brain center: any interconnedted group of neurons in the brain which perform a specific function. Example the speech center in the cerebral cortex functions in the motor speech.

Brain lesion: damage to the brain cause by injury, disease, or surgical procedures.

Brain Stem: portion of the brain remaining after cerebrum and cerebellum are removed.

Brain waves: the rythmic spontaneous electrical discharges of the living brain.

Cerebellum: the smaller of the two main division of the brain, the cerebellum is an important organ of motor coordination.

Cerebral Palsy: a form of a paralysis caused by a lesion in the brain, It is frequentlya congenital defect in children.

Congenital - pertaining to something (ussually a condition or characteristic) which has it origin at the time of birth or during the fatal development. Congenital is to be distinguished from hereditary which denotes an origin in progenitors.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): a complex biochemical found in the nuclei of living cells. The chromosomal DNA is believed to be the material out of which genes are made. It has been suggested that the molecules of DNA constitute a kind of code or blueprint, which shape tje chemical materials of cells thru the medium of ribonucleic acid (RNA), which molecules serve as "messengers" or "contractors" to carry out the instructions supplied by DNA.

Day Dream: a walking fantasy or revery. Daydreaming is frequently wish fulfilling in function and differs from night dreaming in that the expression of wishes is not hidden.

Deafness: partial or complete inability to hear. Total deafness is the inability to hear all sound regardless of their loudness. Partial deafness may involve a decreased sensitivity to the entire range of the sound or it may involve only inability to hear certain pitches. Adventious deafness is caused by injury to the ear, as opposed to congenital deafness which is caused by the developmental defects and central or cortical deafness which result from injury to the areas of hearing in the cerebral cortex.

Defense Mechanism: any behavior pattern which protect the psyche from anxiety, shame, or guilt. Some common defense mecahnism are repression, regression, projection, indentification, fantasy, conpensation, sublimation reaction-formation and aggression.

Deja Vu: the illusion of familiarity in the strange place. It is believed to be due to the presence of familiar but subthreshold cues. Example, in walking in a strange town, some features may be familiar to those experienced elsewhere - a church steeple, a chain store, a shop front or two. As one glances at these, the presence of a subtle but familiar odor may sufficient to trigger the deja vu.

Delusion: a false belief which cannot be modified by reasoning or a demonstration of the facts. Persistent and systematic delusions are characteristic of psychotic states. Delusion should be distinguished from illusion which is a distorted perception and from hallucination which is a false perception.

Depression: in the normal individual, a state despondency characterized by feeling of inadequacy, lowered activity, and perssimism about the future. In pathological cases, an extreme state of unresponsiveness to stimuli, together with self-deprecation, delusion of inadequacy and hopelessness.

Ear : the organ which contain the receptors for hearing. It is divided into three main parts, the outer, middle and inner ears.

Egoism: the tendency for one to behave for self-advantage.

Embryo: the earliest stage of development. In man, the embryonic period is held to extend from the time of conception to (variously) between 6-12 weeks of intra-uterine life. The fetal stage follows the embryonic.

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