The Brain - The Central Nervous System

Cerebrum: for sense perception, voluntary movements , learning, remembering, thinking, emotion, conciousness, personality integration.

Hypothalamus: control of visceral and somatic functions as temperature and metabolism.

Thalamus: the way station for impulses coming up the spinal cord to the cerebrum.

Midbrain: a conduction and switching center; pupillary light reflex

Cerebellum: for muscle tone, body balance, coordination of voluntary movements (as of fingers and thumb).

Medulla: has control over breathing, swallowing, digestion, heartbeat.

Reticular Formation: for the arousal and alertness of the organism, the change from the sleep to wakefulness.

Corpus Collosum: contains fibers connecting the two brain hemisphere

Brain Areas
Motor area: the body is represented in approximately upside-down movement form. Movements on the right side of the body originate thru stimulation of the left hemisphere.

Body-sense area: (in the parietal lobe) the lower extremeties are represented high on the area of the opposite hemisphere.

Visual area: (in the occpital lobe), damage in the left hemisphere will result in blind areas in the left side of both eyes.

Audiotary area: both ears are totally represented on both sides so thst loss of one temporal lobe has very little effect on hearing.

Speech area: the motor speech area (Broca's speech area) controls the tongue and jaws. It is located in the right hemisphere of the left handed person and vice versa - according to conventional interpretation.

Association areas: (areas of the brain not accounted for), bring together phenomena involving more than one sense.

Smell area: just below the frontal - near the temporal lobe.

Taste area: located behind the central fissure at the lower part of the side of the brain.

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