The Psychological Basis of Behavior

A study of the physiology of the human body will pave the way toward an understanding of the complex human behavior. This approach in understanding behavior involves the study of the nervous system principally, the master tissue that integrates the mechanismof the human body form the receptor, afferent neuron, adjustor or associative neurons, efferent neurons and effectors.

The major components of the nervous system is the brain which is the center of intelligence, memory and personality, The spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system and the other nerve structures link the brain with the outside world and the various parts of the body.

A special branch of this system called the autonomic nervous system regulates the internal activities of the body, like the flow of blood, the movements of the digestive tract, the secretion of the digestive and endocrine
glands and the other internal unconscious automatics activities of the body

The cranial and spinal nerves from the peripheral nervous system and the action of the afferent neurons form this region is to conduct the nerve implulses(stimulation) to and from the cental axis.

Physiological reaction therefore includes the following nervous integration: 1. Reception of stimulation form exteroceptors, interoceptors, and proprioceptors; 2. The operation centers nd tracts in the coordination of nerve impulses; 3. The function of muscles and glands.

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