What are Test-tube Babies

It was Aldous Huxley in his Brave New world who peredicted a world where a scientific elite totalitarian "Predistinators" create test-tube babies un the assembly line and predetermine mental and physical characteristic.

In 1940, Dr. John Rock of Harvard University obtained ripe eggs from females and fertilization these in test tube. With his experiments, he had invaded one of " Mother Nature's most cherished rituals".

In 1950, Dr. Landrum B. Shettles, an American gynaecologist first conclusively demonstrated in vitro ("in glass") fertilization. He pierced the ovaries of his patients with a syringe and aspirated some of egg from the follicles. He placed this in a culture medium taken from the follicular fluid excised from tiny pieces of the tubal fimbrae (projections at the end of fallopian tube)

When the egg was ready for fertilization, he placed it in a person in another culture medium - the ovalation mucosa from the mid-cervical canal of a woman donor. Into this, he inserted yhe sperms, the tubal mucosa and the tubal fimbrae- the components the sperm naturally encounters inside. He grew this to the 64 cell stage (blastocyst) when the egg normally attaches itself to the uterus.

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